1.Hole Outside Shell
Indicates that a hole of a polygon lies partially or completely in the exterior of the shell.
2.Nested Holes
Indicates that a hole lies in the interior of another hole in the same polygon.
3.Disconnected Interior
Indicates that the interior of a polygon is disjoint.(often caused by set of contiguous holes splitting the polygon into two parts)
4.Self Intersection
Indicates that two rings of a polygonal geometry intersect.
5.Ring Self Intersection
Indicates that a ring self-intersects.
6.Nested Shells
Indicates that a polygon component of a MultiPolygon lies inside another polygonal component.
7.Duplicate Rings
Indicates that a polygonal geometry contains two rings which are identical.
8.Too Few Points
Indicates that either:
1)A LineString contains a single point;
2)A LinearRing contains 2 or 3 points.
9.invalid coordinate
Indicates that the X or Y ordinate of a Coordinate is not a valid numeric value.
比如说,在地理坐标系中,经度的范围为[-180, 180],纬度的范围为[-90, 90],超出这个范围的坐标即为invalid coordinate。此处不加图片示意了。
10.Ring Not Closed
Indicates that a ring is not correctly closed.(the first and the last coordinate are different)